Chiropractic Therapy
Chiropractic care can relieve and minimize discomfort due to back pain, neck pain, sciatica, TMJ, headaches, migraines, auto accident injury, slip and fall, or other personal injury. Dr. Wolfgang Shane has more than 27 years of experience using chiropractic to treat injuries and promote wellness. He uses state of the art techniques to relieve pain.
Spinal Decompression
Spinal decompression treatments stretch the spinal using a special table. As your spine stretches out, it creates a vacuum that is powerful enough to pull the herniated or bulging discs and nestle them back in place. If you are tired of feeling discomfort and pain from a herniated disc, yet do not want to try back surgery, Dr. Shane can help.
Massage Therapy
We perform massage therapy for the mind body benefits it brings. Massage loosens muscle tissue, drains toxins, and brings fresh blood to your muscle. This allows your muscles to begin recovery from injury or damage. After massage, Dr. Shane can make a deeper chiropractic adjustment when the muscle is not tight or clenched.
Posture Analysis
We perform spinal and postural screenings to detect & evaluate injuries, misalignments, & chronic spinal conditions that require treatment or posture problems that may lead to pain or dysfunction.